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Saint Louis University's registration process incorporates a number of codes and abbreviations. Find out more about 博彩网址大全 course information, building abbreviations and errors you may encounter.


If a course is restricted to a certain population, meets certain requirements or requires that you have additional information, you will find it in the course attributes area.

  • 1818大学学分: This course is restricted to high school students enrolled in the 1818 Advanced College Credit program.
  • 仅限第一年兴趣小组: This course is restricted to students in the individual first-year interest groups.
  • 仅限荣誉课程学生: This course is restricted to students who are admitted in the honors program.
  • 仅限国际学生: This course is restricted to international students.
  • Madrid Course: This course is taught on the Madrid, Spain campus and therefore restricted to Madrid students.
  • 仅限弥迦学院学生: This course is restricted to students in the Micah House program.
  • Prof. 仅限研究生: This course is restricted to School for Professional Studies Students. 请联系 the School for Professional Studies for additional information.

Some departments will indicate which major requirement the course fills (such as the modern European requirement for 博彩网址大全’s undergraduate history major). 其他属性 你可能遇到的包括:

  • 邪教分部:全球公民: The class fills the Global Citizenship requirement for the Arts and Sciences’ core curriculum.
  • 美国的多样性:  这个班级填补了美国的多样性.S. 文理要求 核心课程.
  • Film Studies: 这门课将算在电影研究辅修课程中. 你不需要在里面 参加这门课程的计划.
  • 国际研究: This class will count toward the international studies major. 你不需要这么做 参加这个项目来上这门课.
  • 天主教研究课程: This class will count toward the Catholic studies minor (formally known as the Manresa program). You do 不一定非要参加那个项目才能上这门课.
  • 妇女与性别研究: This class will count toward the women's and gender studies major or minor. You do 不一定非要参加那个项目才能上这门课.
  • 博彩网址大全 Inquiry: 课程主要限于大一新生.
  • 服务学习: 这门课程将包括服务部分.


  • AHP - Allied Health Professions Building (Medical Center)
  • BBH - Beracha大厅
  • BHM - Boileau Hall
  • BSC - Busch学生中心
  • BRH - Brouster Hall 
  • CAS -工艺联盟工作室 
  • CGC -全球公民中心
  • CKH -库克大厅 
  • DBG -杜堡大厅 
  • DMH - DeMattias Hall
  • DPH - Des Peres大厅 
  • 戴维斯-肖内西大厅
  • 自由贸易区-菲茨杰拉德大厅 
  • GRD -大厅 
  • GRH - Griesedieck大厅 
  • HUB - Adorjan Hall
  • HSEU - Edwin Everest Education Union (Medical Center)
  • LEC -演讲厅 
  • LKH -利特肯大厅 
  • LRC -学习资源中心(医疗中心)
  • MCG - McGannon Hall 
  • MDD - McDonnell-Douglas Hall
  • 莫里西大厅
  • 孟山都大厅
  • MWH - Macelwane Hall
  • 奥利弗·霍尔 
  • 奥尼尔大厅
  • PML -庇护十二世纪念图书馆
  • RNT - Reinert Hall
  • RTH -里特大厅
  • SCH - Schwitalla Hall(医疗中心)
  • 民政事务局局长-香农厅 
  • SLC - Scott Hall
  • SLS - Salus中心(医疗中心)
  • SON - Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing (Medical Center)
  • SPR -春天大厅 
  • TGH -泰格勒大厅
  • 哦——乌勒大厅
  • XVA -泽维尔大厅附件
  • xh -泽维尔·霍尔 


The following is a list of the most commonly experienced registration errors. Learn 如何解决每个问题.

An error has prevented the processing of your transaction. 请通知你的注册主任 发生了处理错误.

系统故障。处理步骤. 联系大学注册办公室 and specify the course or courses for which you were attempting to register.


联系你的顾问/导师 to discuss registration in this course.


你的等级(大一、大二等).)被限制在 this section. 联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.


The section of the course is full or the number of registered students has reached 部门指定的最大值. 如果没有提供其他部分,请联系 部门并请求注册许可.


Maximum enrollment has been reached for all available sections cross-listed for this 课程设置. Contact the 部门并请求注册许可.


College restriction errors indicate you may be restricted from registration in this section due to the college in which you are enrolled.

If you receive a college error when attempting to register, check the building location of the course. If the building code indicates either SON or AHP, the course is restricted to students in the Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing or Doisy College. Contact your advisor/mentor 讨论本课程的注册.


Some courses require that you register for another course simultaneously. The course for which you must register is indicated within the error message.


联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.


联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.

联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.
Request an override be entered by the instructor of the course.
Your student level is restricted from registration in this section. 联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.

Your major is restricted from registration in this section. 联系你的顾问/导师 讨论本课程的注册.

Link Error

Some lecture, lab and 讨论部分s are linked to one another to ensure students 不注册其中一个而不注册另一个.

  • L# indicates that you are attempting to register for a lab or 讨论部分 without 适当的讲座部分.
  • B# indicates that you are attempting to register for a lecture without the appropriate lab section. 实验室切片编号一般在36-49之间.
  • D# indicates that you are attempting to register for a lecture without the appropriate 讨论部分.

You have not fulfilled the prerequisites which are required to take this section. Reference the catalog entry for the course to view the prerequisites and verify that you have 确实符合所有要求. If you have, contact the office of the University registrar for assistance.


This registration error most commonly occurs when the section is a 博彩网址大全 Inquiry course ("博彩网址大全 Inquiry" or "SINQ" in the course listing), which are limited to freshman and 二年级的学生.

  • If maximum enrollment = 19 then the course allows for 13 freshmen and 6 sophomore students
  • If maximum enrollment = 15 then the course allows for 8 freshmen and 7 二年级的学生.
  • 如果没有提供其他部分,请联系 instructor and request their permission to enroll.
Registration is open for the selected term but your classification or level is not 但允许注册. 请看今年的 登记的日历.